
Tuesday 27 June 2017

How To Make Your Blog Images SEO Friendly With Single Click | Step by Step

SEO of a WordPress blog is done on many levels: Starting from onsite to on page SEO.Few important factors in SEO are using an appropriate image, appropriate keywords and; appropriate tag.

Images on your blogs are extremely important to get traffic from image based search engines like Google  image search. Here, unlike text-based content, search engine bots can’t see and identify your content like a normal user. They rely on image ALT tag to identify and understand an image. Along with this, texts which are around your images also helps to improve the ranking of your images in image search engine.

How to add Alt tag to WordPress images:
Whenever you add an image into your blog post, you get an option to add Title and Alt tag, which takes care of image SEO. One easy way to add Alt tag is manually by adding it to every image you upload. However, when you have an already existing site and you have to edit all old images to add alt tag, editing manually is a very time-consuming task. To our rescue is SEO Friendly Images WordPress Plugin.
SEO Friendly Images is one useful free WordPress image SEO plugin, which quickly adds ALT tag to your images.
In this guide, I will share how can you use SEO friendly images plugin to optimize WordPress blog images for search engine. This plugin is developed by Valadmir, who is also a developer of popular plugin SEO smart links and founder of ManageWP service. So, let’s start with this plugin:
  • Install and activate SEO friendly images plugin. <Link>
  • Once activated, go to Settings > SEO friendly images and configure the settings
SEO friendly images Setting
Using this plugin you can automate both Title and Alt tag of your image. Though Search engine uses only Alt tag to understand your image, but title also plays a major role and it’s a good idea to give a meaningful name to your Title.
The best way to use this plugin is by giving a meaningful name to your image before uploading. Instead of uploading images like DSC0023.jpeg or so on, give it a Keyword rich name before uploading. For ex: SEO-friendly-image.jpeg.
An ideal settings will be:
  • Use %name for ALT tag
  • %Title for Title tag
Click on update options and that’s it. Now, your images will help you to increase the overall On page SEO of your blog. Along with SEO friendly images plugin, I highly recommend you to Install ShortPixels , which will help you to optimize the size of your images and will also help you to load your page faster.
If you want to make most out of Images on your blog, you can also create sitemap for your WordPress blog images and submit it to Google. Here are few more plugins, which will be of your interest:

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