
Sunday, 18 June 2017

How To get 1000 more visitors a day by commenting | Reply and get the gold

When you start a new blog, your first goal is to get new readers, increase traffic and  subscribers. I prefer on focusing on subscribers as they turn into return visitors and increase the trust value of your domain. However, this is not an easy  for a new blog.  In this post, I will share  a good tip to help you to get more targeted traffic that you can then turn into subscribers with your quality content.
Let’s have a look at how commenting will help you to take your blog to the next level:
The way is simple as you need to spend an hour on replying comments and thanking your commentators for visit
Select a few major websites in your niche. Make sure the target users are the same as yours’. Keep track of all the feeds using a tool such as FeedDemon, and manage your folders.  (The approach here is to create different folders on your feed reader for different types of blogs that you are targeting to comment on toward the purpose of getting subscribers.)
Again, all of the blogs should be in the same niche. For example, my niche is blogging and technology so that I would create folders for the same niche, and typically my folders will look something like this:
  • Popular blogging blogs
  • Blogging blogs using Top Commentator plugin
  • Blogging blogs using CommentLuv plugin
  • Dofollow blog comments on blogging niche
Now, commenting on popular blogging blogs will help me to get decent traffic, and if the content on my blog is compelling and interesting, I can expect a fair amount of conversion.
The second and fourth options in the list noted above will give me an SEO advantage, and the backlinks will be high-quality relevant backlinks.  The blog enabled with the CommentLuv plugin will help me to showcase my latest article, giving it more exposure. A good article title will do the trick to getting more CTR.
Now – spend at least 30 minutes a day commenting on these blog updates. Make sure you add value rather than simply making a comment like “Nice!, Thank you!” or “Great post!”
If you keep track of blog updates using Twitter, then you might be lucky enough to be the first one to comment. The first commenter will always get more traffic, and thus his comment will be more beneficial.
Suppose you’re the first one to comment on a post published at , and the first day you get ten hits from the pro blogger, and the next day it goes down to five, and gradually decreases from there. It will still continue giving traffic once in a while.
Now suppose you make ten such comments in a day. Let’s do the simple calculations for that one day.
Out of ten comments you’ve written, let’s say six work for you (worst case scenario).
  • The first day you will be getting 6*10= 60 visitors
  • The 2nd day you will be getting 4*10 = 40 visitors.
So you’re getting 100 visitors within two days from your niche sites.
Now show them the best of your content, (the best way to do this is by using this landing page strategy).
So – even if you are successfully converting 50% of these visitors into your loyal visitors, you will be getting 50 RSS subscribers within a day!
Worst case scenario, if you are a new blogger without much content, and you manage to grab 5 RSS subscribers with this strategy, isn’t that better than spending an hour writing content?
Here is a testimonial from one reader who got a lot of traffic and many new email subscribers by simply adding a meaningful comment here at ShoutMeLoud:
Feed subscriber via commenting
Focusing on the following additional factors may be helpful to you as well:
  • Your blog theme (How to select WordPress theme)
  • Prominent email subscription option (Use Aweber or Feedburner)
  • Easy to navigate on your blog (Take care of mobile & tablet users too)
  • Quality of your content with proper call to action at the end.
Do you have any particular strategies that you like to use to increase the number of feed subscribers to your blog?  Feel free to share your ideas with us in the comments section below.
If you find the information in this post useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

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